2023-2024 Hawker Competition Schedule
Class AA* (Primarily Varsity Speakers and Debaters, but also Novice Debaters and Some JV Speakers)*
Nov. 4, 2023: Central Division 1-day: Great Falls
Nov. 10-11, 2023 Bozeman Invitational: GHS and BHS (Note: No buses. Parents/Students provide own transportation)
Dec. 1-2 2023: Carroll College, Helena, and East Helena
Dec. 8-9, 2023: Eastern Regional: Belgrade (Note: No buses. Parents/Students provide own transportation)
Jan. 5-6, 2024: Blacksnake @ ISU: Pocatello, ID (leave Thursday, 1/4, at 3:45 PM)
Jan. 12-13, 2024: Richest Hill on Earth Invitational: Butte
Jan. 26-27, 2024: State: Missoula
Feb. 7, 2024: Parent’s Night (come watch the NSDA team at 6PM)
Feb. 9-10, 2024: NSDA National Qualifier: Billings
Feb 28, 2024: Awards Night (BHS Auditorium: 6:00 PM)
Mar. 23, 2024: Big Questions
June 15-22, 2024: NSDA Nationals - Des Moines, IA
(for student’s who qualify)
Class A-B-C* (Primarily JV Speech and Novice Debate, but also some Varsity Debaters and Speakers)
Nov. 18, 2023: Billings Central
Dec. 2, 2023: Belfry
Dec. 16, 2023: Park County
Jan. 13, 2024 Townsend
Feb. 7, 2024: Parent’s Night (come watch the NSDA team at 6PM)
Feb 28, 2024: Awards Night (BHS Auditorium: 6:00 PM)
Mar. 23, 2024: Big Questions
2022-2023 Hawker Competition Schedule
Class AA (Primarily Varsity Speakers and Debaters, but also Novice Debaters and Some JV Speakers)*
Nov. 5, 2022: Central Division 1-day: Helena
Nov. 11-12, 2022: Bozeman Invitational: GHS and BHS (Note: No buses. Parents/Students provide own transportation)
Nov. 19, 2022: Novice Ho-Down/Speech Jamboree + Middle School Meet 1: BHS support/running
Dec. 2-3 2022: Carroll College and Capitol High School
Dec. 9-10, 2022: Eastern Regional: Great Falls
Jan. 6-7, 2023: Blacksnake @ ISU: Pocatello, ID (leave Thursday, 1/5, at 2:45 PM)
Jan. 13-14, 2023: Richest Hill on Earth Invitational: Butte
Jan. 27-28, 2023: State: Billings
Feb. 8, 2023: Parent’s Night (come watch the NSDA team at 6PM)
Feb. 10-11, 2023: NSDA National Qualifier: Belgrade (Note: No buses. Parents/Students provide own transportation)
Mar. 1, 2023: Awards Night (BHS Auditorium: 6:00 PM)
June 9ish-18ish, ‘23: NSDA Nationals (for those who qualify)- Phoenix AZ
Class A-B-C* (Primarily JV Speech and Novice Debate, but also some Varsity Debaters and Speakers)
Dec. 3, 2022: Shepherd
Dec. 10, 2022: Laurel
Dec. 17, 2022: Lewistown (Note: students will leave at 4:00 PM on Friday, 12/16, for this tournament) CANCELLED
Jan. 7, 2023: Townsend is on!!!!!
Feb. 8, 2023: Parent’s Night (come watch the NSDA team at 6PM)
Mar. 1, 2023: Awards Night (BHS Auditorium: 6:00 PM)
* A Note on Competitor Availability:
Coaches put together traveling teams on the assumption that all competitors are available for all meets. If a student is unavailable to travel, both the head coach (adam.thane@bsd7.org) and the event coach must be notified via email at least two full weeks before tournament date. In the event that a competitor fails to notify coaches of unavailability two weeks prior to a tournament, that competitor may be dropped from the tournament for which s/he was unavailable and the next tournament to which s/he would have traveled. Varsity students who miss one or more meets, for any reason, may lose other competitive opportunities. All Hawkers will be expected to participate in some manner in the Novice Ho-Down and Speech Jamboree, the Big Questions Tournament (if approved), and in the Invitational Tournament that we will be hosting. Students will also need to acquire judges for the State Tournament. All varsity competitors are expected to be available to compete at the national qualifier and to travel to the national tournament in the event of qualification. Any student who cannot attend the national tournament will not be taken to the NSDA national qualifier.
A Note on SAT and ACT Dates:
This year there are SAT and ACT dates that work well for us:
SAT on 10/1/22, and 3/11/23
ACT on 9/10/22, and 10/22/22
All other dates from Oct ‘22 - Mar ‘23 conflict with meets. No Hawker should miss a meet due to testing. Make arrangements now to be sure you do not. If for some reason you must, it needs to be SAT on 11/5/22, but that should not happen.
A Note on Participation:
Not all competitors attend all meets and JV competitors may be taken to Varsity meets